EVE Energy Secures Second Place in Global Energy Storage Shipments

EVE Energy, a leading lithium-ion battery manufacturer, has surged to second place in the Q1 2024 energy storage cell shipment ranking by InfoLink Consulting. This achievement underscores EVE Energy’s significant impact on the solar energy market and energy storage trends.

Remarkable Growth in Energy Storage

Despite a global energy storage market downturn of 2.2%, EVE Energy’s shipment volume reached an impressive 60 GWh in the second quarter of 2024. Founder and chairman Liu Jincheng attributed this growth to the company’s technical advancements and global market expansion. The firm’s extensive market development and technological breakthroughs have propelled its success.

Strategic Partnerships and Global Expansion

In 2023, EVE Energy signed agreements with Powin and ABS for 23 GWh of energy storage. In April 2024, strategic partnerships with HITE Smart Energy, Linyang Energy Storage, and JinkoSolar added another 19 GWh. During the 2024 smarter E Europe event, EVE Energy secured a 15 GWh deal with Powin. These collaborations highlight the company’s strong presence in the solar energy investment landscape.

To meet global customer needs, EVE Energy employs a “glocal” market strategy. The company has seven regional headquarters in China and additional offices in Singapore, Germany, and Taipei. Plans to establish a VMI warehouse and subsidiary in the Americas are also underway. This global reach enhances their ability to provide localized services.

Technological Innovations and Product Development

Technological innovation is a key driver of EVE Energy’s growth. In Q1 2024, the company launched the Mr. flagship series, featuring Mr. Big battery and Mr. Giant system. These products offer efficient, simple, and safe solutions for energy storage systems. Mr. Big battery boasts a 628Ah cell capacity and 96% energy efficiency, while Mr. Giant system provides up to 5MWh in a standard 20-foot cabinet with 95% system efficiency.

The series also includes advanced thermal management technology, maintaining temperature variance under 3°C and reducing peak temperatures by 5°C. These features address the challenge of heat emission in larger batteries, ensuring safety and efficiency.

EVE Energy’s Mr. flagship series reduces installation and maintenance costs by simplifying the design. The series has halved the number of cells, weld joints, and cables, streamlining system maintenance and reducing the need for spare parts.

Future Prospects

The Mr. flagship series will enter mass production in China by Q4 2024 and in Malaysia by the end of 2025. This expansion supports the establishment of a renewable energy structure and aligns with global green energy policies. The product has already garnered over 151 GWh of intended customer demand for the next five years.

EVE Energy’s advancements in solar technology and energy storage position it as a significant player in the global energy market. The company’s commitment to innovation and sustainability drives its success and supports the broader industry goals of achieving carbon neutrality.


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