EVE Energy Revolutionizes Long-Duration Lithium Battery Energy Storage with Mr. Flagship Series

Unveiling Innovative Technology for Sustainable Energy Storage

EVE Energy, a pioneer in long-duration lithium battery energy storage, introduced its Mr. Flagship Series on January 25, 2024. The online release conference, themed “Reliable Energy Storage with EVE Energy’s Big Batteries,” showcased groundbreaking technology designed to set new benchmarks in the industry.

Mr. Big Battery Cell and Mr. Giant System: Key Features

EVE Energy’s Mr. Big battery cell boasts a high capacity of 628Ah, utilizing third-generation high-speed stacking technology for an impressive energy efficiency of 96%. Complementing this, the Mr. Giant system, housed in a standard 20-foot container, offers an energy capacity of 5 MWh with a remarkable energy efficiency of 95%.

Electrochemical Innovation for Enhanced Efficiency

Dr. Yuan Dingding, CTO at EVE Energy’s LFP battery division, emphasized that the Mr. Flagship Series is built on electrochemical principles. Incorporating innovative technologies such as current collection, 3T technology, and the 14μm separator, the series minimizes heat loss between charging and discharging cycles, ensuring efficiency, simplicity, and safety.

Process Innovation and Safety Measures

EVE Energy’s process innovation is evident in the design of the Mr. Big integrated system, which reduces the number of battery cells by 50% compared to common solutions. Additionally, the 14μm separators, with a thickness exceeding industry standards, enhance battery safety. Specially coated separator technology ensures excellent thermal shutdown effects, contributing to increased safety.

Advancing Society Toward Sustainable Energy

As the first company to swiftly mass-produce the Mr. Flagship Series, EVE Energy aims to drive the transformation towards a cleaner, more efficient, and sustainable energy storage era. The series is positioned to lead the world into the era of large-scale energy storage, aligning with global commitments to carbon neutrality.


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