EEW and Vinci’s Cobra Collaborate on A$250m Solar and BESS Project in Australia

EEW Eco Energy World has teamed up with Grupo Cobra to develop a significant renewable energy project in Queensland, Australia. The project entails the construction of a 200MWdc solar farm combined with a 50MW Battery Energy Storage System (BESS).

Generating Clean Energy for Queensland

Once operational, the solar and BESS project is expected to produce over 400GWh of clean and sustainable energy annually. This initiative marks a substantial contribution to Queensland’s renewable energy goals and underscores the region’s commitment to green energy initiatives.

Substantial Investment and Development Timeline

The project, valued at A$250 million (€151 million), is slated to achieve ready-to-build status within the current year. This substantial investment reflects the growing importance of renewable energy projects in the Australian market and highlights the potential for further growth in the sector.

Strengthening Commitment to Sustainable Energy

Svante Kumlin, CEO of EEW, expressed enthusiasm about the collaboration, emphasizing the company’s dedication to providing innovative and sustainable energy solutions in Australia. The project aligns with EEW’s extensive pipeline of multi-gigawatt projects in the country, showcasing their commitment to Australia’s energy transition.

José Antonio Fernández García, managing director of energy and industrial plants at Vinci-owned Cobra, echoed this sentiment, highlighting their excitement about partnering with EEW on this endeavor. The collaboration signifies both companies’ commitment to accelerating the transition towards a low-carbon future, contributing to global efforts to combat climate change.

Through strategic partnerships and investments in renewable energy infrastructure, Australia continues to position itself as a leader in the transition towards a sustainable and environmentally friendly energy landscape.

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