Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s Multi-Year In-N-Out Lie Exposed in Absurd Fashion

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson recently found himself in the midst of a peculiar revelation concerning his supposed “first-ever” In-N-Out Burger experience.

The Deceptive Reel

It all began when The Rock shared a video of his visit to In-N-Out last week, expressing his excitement with the caption, “My first-ever @innout burger experience.”

Multiple Claims of First Times

However, keen internet sleuths quickly dug up evidence of previous instances where The Rock claimed to be enjoying his inaugural In-N-Out encounter. In August 2022, he posted a video with a similar caption, and in 2017, he shared a photo, asserting, “I’ve never been to IN-N-OUT before (I know, what an asshole).”

Unmasking the Untruth

The revelation sparked amusement and bewilderment among fans, questioning the need for such a seemingly unnecessary and strange lie. Social media users pointed out the inconsistency in his claims, demanding clarity on the matter.

Internet’s Reaction

Online reactions varied from amusement to confusion, with users expressing their surprise at the peculiar nature of the deception. Amid the post-Christmas lull, the In-N-Out saga involving Dwayne Johnson provided an unexpected source of entertainment for netizens.

The Demand for Truth

While the internet buzzed with comments about the exposed falsehood, users humorously demanded the truth from The Rock, prompting speculation and discussion about the motivations behind the deceptive claims.

Source: yahoo.com

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