Dalian’s Green Revolution: Rooftop PV Panels to Combat Emissions

Public buildings in Dalian, Liaoning, embrace solar energy with rooftop photovoltaic (PV) panels for emission reduction.

Green Energy Adoption

Dalian, Liaoning, pioneers the use of photovoltaic panels on public office building rooftops to ensure a steady supply of green energy, aligning with emission reduction goals.

Stable Operation and Significant Output

Liaoning Guoheng New Energy Co, overseeing the project, reports stable operation of PV systems, generating over 500 and 1,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity daily for the Communist Party of China Dalian Committee and city government office buildings.

Crucial Environmental Impact

PV panels on two rooftops are expected to generate approximately 400 megawatt-hours annually, saving 160 metric tons of standard coal. This contributes significantly to promoting sustainable energy projects in Dalian and Northeast China.

National Initiative and Future Plans

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the National Development and Reform Commission’s plan emphasizes achieving a 50 percent solar photovoltaic coverage rate for newly constructed public institutions and factory roofs by 2025. Dalian’s green lighting project is part of a national effort to combat climate change.


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