Dalian Boosts Green Initiatives with Rooftop PV Panels Installation

Dalian’s Green Lighting Project Takes a Leap

In a significant move towards sustainability, Dalian, Liaoning province, is installing photovoltaic (PV) panels on the rooftops of public office buildings. Liaoning Guoheng New Energy Co, responsible for the project, reports stable operations with over 500 and 1,000 kilowatt-hours of daily electricity generation at the Communist Party of China Dalian Committee and city government office buildings, respectively.

Green Energy Output and Carbon Reduction

The installed PV panels are expected to generate around 400 megawatt-hours of electricity annually, saving an equivalent of 160 metric tons of standard coal. This initiative aligns with Dalian’s broader goal of promoting the development of comprehensive smart energy projects across the city. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the National Development and Reform Commission have set a target of achieving a 50% solar photovoltaic coverage rate for newly constructed public institutions and factory roofs by 2025.

Utilizing Idle Rooftop Spaces for Sustainability

Dalian’s green lighting project focuses on leveraging idle rooftop spaces for distributed PV power stations, intending to make the city a national benchmark for PV energy usage. The initiative extends to Party and government offices, public institutions, and State-owned enterprises, contributing to green electricity consumption during the day and nighttime landscape lighting.

Expanding Distributed PV Projects

The city is extending its green efforts with distributed PV projects at various locations, including a water treatment plant owned by Dalian Water Affairs Group. The ongoing construction is set to be completed by the end of December, with an estimated annual power generation capacity of 6.6 gigawatt-hours.

National Recognition and Carbon Emission Goals

Dalian’s commitment to environmental sustainability aligns with national goals, as the National Development and Reform Commission includes it in the first batch of 25 pilot cities aiming to peak carbon dioxide emissions. The city’s strides in renewable energy signify a positive step towards a greener and more sustainable future.


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