China Expands Energy Storage Capacity to Drive Low-Carbon Goals

Growth in Energy Storage Capacity

China has significantly expanded its energy storage capacity in the first quarter, reflecting its commitment to advancing green energy initiatives. According to the National Energy Administration (NEA), the country’s installed new-type energy storage capacity reached 35.3 gigawatts by the end of March, marking a remarkable 2.1-fold increase compared to the same period last year.

Regional Development Highlights

The northwestern regions of China have witnessed particularly rapid development in new-type energy storage facilities. An NEA official, Bian Guangqi, reported that these areas have installed and operationalized 10.3 gigawatts of new-type energy storage capacity, representing 29.2 percent of the nation’s total capacity.

Pilot Demonstration Projects

At the start of the year, the NEA unveiled a list of 56 new-type energy storage pilot demonstration projects. These projects include 17 lithium-ion battery initiatives and 11 compressed air energy storage projects, among others. Several of these projects have already been integrated into the grid, effectively driving the adoption of new energy technologies.

Future Outlook and Technological Innovation

Bian Guangqi emphasized the NEA’s commitment to fostering technological innovation to support the development of the new-type energy system. As China continues to prioritize its low-carbon objectives, further advancements in energy storage technologies are expected to play a crucial role in achieving sustainable energy goals.

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