CESI Spearheads High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Innovation for Global Energy Decarbonization

CESI’s Role in Accelerating Clean Energy Transition

CESI, a global leader in electric power sector innovation, is at the forefront of Europe’s fight against decarbonization, aligning with the 2050 Net Zero Carbon targets. The company’s CEO, Domenico Villani, emphasizes the urgency, stating that the next decade is crucial for achieving significant reductions in global CO2 emissions.

HVDC Infrastructure Revolutionizing Clean Electricity Transmission

High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) infrastructure stands as a pivotal element in CESI’s strategy to expedite the transition to a cleaner, interconnected energy system. This technology efficiently transmits clean electricity over long distances, connecting renewable energy plants to consumption centers. CESI, with its cutting-edge laboratories in Milan and Mannheim, is leading the way in testing HVDC cables—the largest facilities globally.

CESI’s Testing Expansion to Qualify Nine Cable Projects

CESI’s ongoing expansion in testing capabilities allows for more than 78,000 cumulative test hours, qualifying up to nine cable projects in a 3100 square meter space. Rigorous testing, aligned with international standards, simulates cable performance for up to 40 years under the most demanding technical conditions. CESI’s expertise is further underscored by over 40 HVDC consulting projects globally, covering extensive overhead lines, submarine cables, and installed capacity.

In conclusion, CESI’s commitment to HVDC technology plays a pivotal role in the global journey toward decarbonization, offering solutions that not only curb climate change but also promote energy independence and stability. CEO Domenico Villani emphasizes the critical nature of expanding HVDC interconnections for stabilizing energy prices, mitigating geopolitical risks, and reducing fossil fuel dependence.


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