Canada Finalizes Electric Vehicle Standard to Drive EV Adoption

Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, unveils the Electric Vehicle Availability Standard to accelerate the shift to zero-emission vehicles.

Improving Electric Vehicle Access Nationwide

The Canadian government, led by the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, has officially introduced the Electric Vehicle Availability Standard to enhance the accessibility of clean, zero-emission vehicles across Canada. This initiative aligns with the government’s broader efforts to bolster the electric vehicle (EV) supply chain and infrastructure, creating jobs and fostering environmental sustainability.

Setting National Targets and Interim Goals

The Electric Vehicle Availability Standard is designed to support Canada’s ambitious goal of achieving 100 percent zero-emission vehicle sales by 2035. With interim targets set at a minimum of 20 percent by 2026 and at least 60 percent by 2030, the standard aims to boost the availability of affordable and technologically advanced EVs in the Canadian market. These targets also ensure a reduction in customer wait times.

Staying Competitive Globally

Canada’s adoption of the Electric Vehicle Availability Standard puts it in line with global efforts, including the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, and other major economies, all striving to lower emissions and promote EV usage. This move emphasizes Canada’s commitment to environmental responsibility and aligning with international sustainability standards.

Affordability and Long-Term Savings

Switching to electric vehicles proves to be more economical over the long run. With recharging costs as low as $10 per 400 kilometers, combined with federal and provincial incentives, electric vehicles achieve cost parity with gas vehicles within four years, according to experts. Advances in battery technology have improved performance and increased the range, making EVs a viable and cost-effective choice.

Comprehensive Plan for an Electric Vehicle Future

The Electric Vehicle Availability Standard, coupled with investments in charging infrastructure, battery and automotive manufacturing, and consumer incentives, forms a comprehensive plan to ensure Canadians fully embrace the electric vehicle future. The phased-in approach of the standard allows for a gradual transition toward a 100 percent zero-emission future, fostering a sustainable and modern automotive supply chain in Canada.

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