Bulgarian Trade Unionists Criticize Green Deal Energy Policy

Concerns Over the Future of Energy Sector

Leaders of the Podkrepa Confederation of Labour voiced strong opposition to the Bulgarian Government’s energy policies at a press conference. They argue that the plans threaten the future viability of Bulgaria’s energy sector, particularly criticizing the commitment to phase out coal-fired power plants under the Green Deal.

Risk of Energy Dependency

Konstantin Trenchev, Honorary President of Podkrepa, highlighted the risk of increased energy imports if coal-fired plants close without establishing new power production facilities. He expressed skepticism towards the Green Deal’s feasibility, labeling it as a well-intended idea unlikely to materialize.

Declining Interest in Energy Jobs

Alexander Zagorov, Secretary of the Confederation, pointed out the declining interest in the energy sector as a career choice, emphasizing the importance of workplace safety. Concerns were also raised by Vladimir Topalov, President of the Podkrepa Miners Federation, despite reassurances from financial and mine authorities about job security.

Calls for Consistent Energy Policy

The Confederation is calling for urgent action to address sectoral issues and craft a coherent future strategy. Ioanis Parteniotis, Podkrepa Vice President, criticized the energy policy’s inconsistency, citing the indecision over the construction of a new nuclear power plant and additional units at the Kozloduy Nuclear Plant.

The Podkrepa Confederation of Labour’s critique underscores the need for a balanced and forward-thinking approach to Bulgaria’s energy transition, ensuring job security, sector sustainability, and independence from energy imports.

Source: bta.bg

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