Bluetti Illuminates Learning with LAAF Initiative at Oke Odan Baptist Primary School

Bluetti, a prominent global player in renewable energy solutions, has embarked on a philanthropic mission by donating 20 solar system kits to Oke Odan Baptist Primary School in Yewa South, Ogun State, through its ‘Lighting an African Family (LAAF) CSR project’. This initiative reflects Bluetti’s commitment to providing clean energy to African households, alleviating persistent power challenges and fostering equal learning opportunities.

Empowering Communities with Clean Energy

The official donation event recently took place, with Bluetti delivering the solar system kits to the school, including selected outstanding pupils. The event featured live demonstrations showcasing the usage and functionalities of the power stations, emphasizing Bluetti’s dedication to promoting renewable energy applications and fulfilling corporate social responsibility.

Bluetti’s CSR Commitment

Jeffery Zhang, the Sales Manager of Bluetti Nigeria, expressed the brand’s unwavering commitment to providing stable lighting and energy supply to address power shortages faced by the school. He highlighted Bluetti’s ongoing efforts to create a brighter environment for families, ensuring that every child has equal learning opportunities, mothers enjoy a more convenient life, and fathers have increased opportunities and possibilities.

LAAF as a Continuous Project

Mr. Zhang emphasized that the ‘Lighting an African Family’ (LAAF) project is an ongoing commitment, welcoming institutions and regions in need to contact Bluetti for support. The company envisions extending the positive impact of clean energy to more communities and households, contributing to sustainable development.

Impact on Education

Mrs. Patience Akintomide, Headteacher of Baptist Day Primary School, Oke Odan, expressed her joy and gratitude, acknowledging the far-reaching significance of Bluetti’s donation. She emphasized how the power stations would provide stable electricity, enabling the school to offer pupils rich educational resources despite unstable power supply.

Technology for Effective Teaching

The Headteacher highlighted the importance of technology in effective content delivery, especially in the 21st century. While technology provides advantages for instruction, the absence of reliable electricity hinders its full potential. Bluetti’s donation is seen as a game-changer, positively impacting the school’s daily operations and improving living conditions through the LAAF initiative.

Bluetti’s Holistic Approach

Bluetti’s commitment to improving the lives of those without access to electricity is evident in the LAAF initiative. By providing clean energy solutions, Bluetti not only addresses power challenges but also empowers communities and enhances educational opportunities. The company’s holistic approach aligns with its vision of creating a brighter and sustainable future for African families.


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