Biden Administration’s Pledge Threatens 60% of America’s Electric Power Supply

In a bold move at COP28 in Dubai, President Biden pledged to halt production of all new coal plants and sharply reduce methane emissions, targeting the oil and natural gas industry.

Coal and Methane Regulations

The Biden administration aims to cease all new coal plant production, following the EPA’s announcement of stringent power plant emission regulations. Simultaneously, Vice President Kamala Harris introduced rules to reduce methane, referring to it as a “super-pollutant.” However, this move effectively imposes a ban on natural gas power plants.

Impending Power Capacity Crisis

Erasing coal and natural gas plants will severely impact America’s electric power capacity. The consequence? Anticipated rolling blackouts and brownouts, similar to California’s experiences, may become widespread. Hospitals, schools, internet services, construction projects, and factories will face routine shutdowns when alternative energy sources like wind and solar fall short.

The Numbers: 60% of Power Generation at Risk

With coal contributing 20% and natural gas 40% to America’s power generation, eliminating these sources risks losing 60% of the country’s electric power. This impending crisis raises concerns about how the grid will meet the growing demands, particularly as the administration pushes for increased reliance on electric vehicles.

Unilateral Energy Disarmament

Critics argue that Biden’s agenda may cripple economic leadership and cost millions of jobs, as other major polluters, including China, show no signs of reducing coal-fired plants. The potential consequences include a loss of global economic influence and discomfort for Americans with colder winters and hotter summers.

The Global Impact

While the administration emphasizes environmental goals, the reality is that shutting down domestic coal plants may not mitigate global CO2 emissions. China, a major emitter, continues to expand its coal capacity, offsetting any reductions achieved in the U.S.


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