BayWa r.e., Ampt, and Fraunhofer ICT Unveil Innovative European PV, Wind, and Battery Storage System

Renewable energy giant BayWa r.e. and DC optimizer company Ampt celebrate the successful deployment of a groundbreaking combination of wind and solar generation with battery storage at the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology (ICT) campus in Pfinztal, Germany.

Integrating Renewable Energy Technologies

BayWa r.e. expanded on-site renewable energy utilization by installing three rooftop arrays and a ground-mounted system with a combined capacity of 690 kWp. These systems, connected to the power grid via an existing 2 MW wind turbine, incorporate a 10 MWh flow battery energy storage system.

Technical Innovation: A European First

This project represents a pioneering combination of wind and solar energy with battery storage, setting a unique standard in Europe. Leveraging Ampt String Optimizers, the technologies are integrated through a shared DC bus, enhancing system efficiency and managing generation variability.

Simplifying Complex Projects

Andrea Grotzke, Global Director of Energy Solutions at BayWa r.e., praised Ampt’s technology for simplifying the complexity of this technically advanced project. The “DC-coupled” architecture allows seamless integration, enabling efficient management of diverse systems at a high and fixed voltage.

Advancing Climate-Neutral Operations

The Fraunhofer ICT campus, with over 100 laboratories, pilot plants, and three test centers, embraces this microgrid project to contribute significantly to its climate-neutral operation. The combination of wind, solar, and storage ensures higher flexibility and utilization, aligning with the institute’s sustainability goals.

This flagship project demonstrates the capabilities of Ampt’s power conversion technology, providing control over diverse systems across the Fraunhofer ICT campus. Dr. Frank Henning, Institute Director of Fraunhofer ICT, emphasizes the importance of sustainability and the project’s role in meeting their environmental goals.


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