Automotive Edge Computing Consortium Advances Green Mobility with White Paper and Milestone Proof of Concept

The Automotive Edge Computing Consortium (AECC) has unveiled its vision for a green mobility society in response to the automotive industry’s increasing focus on sustainability and innovation. The consortium released a comprehensive white paper titled “Connected Infrastructure for the Realization of the Green Mobility Society,” outlining key innovations to transform future automobile travel experiences.

Innovations Driving the Green Mobility Vision

The AECC’s white paper envisions artificial intelligence (AI)-driven user experiences within the framework of a green mobility society. Key innovations include a concierge service providing AI-driven personalized conversations with drivers, accident prevention support through AI identification of road hazards, and the transformation of vehicles into “new living rooms” with large displays for immersive entertainment possibilities.

Connected Infrastructure for Green Mobility

Emphasizing the need for connected infrastructure, the white paper advocates for creating an immersive environment for users even when not driving, focusing on comfort and realism. The document highlights the challenges and characteristics of the connected infrastructure required to realize the green mobility vision.

Successful Green Mobility Proof of Concept

The AECC, in collaboration with members Toyota, KDDI, and Cisco, successfully completed a groundbreaking Green Mobility Proof of Concept (PoC) titled “Wi-Fi Data Offloading and Edge Computing for Greener Mobility Services.” The PoC focused on optimizing energy and mobility flows through digital technologies, achieving a 94% reduction in facility power and cooling, and more than a 50% reduction in total power, including equipment power.

Invitation for Collaboration

The AECC invites industry stakeholders, environmental advocates, and innovators to explore the white paper and the Green Mobility PoC. It extends an open invitation for collaboration, encouraging like-minded individuals and organizations to contribute to the proof-of-concept initiatives aimed at materializing the vision of green mobility.


As the automotive industry undergoes a transformative shift toward sustainability, the AECC’s vision, outlined in the white paper, and the successful Green Mobility PoC demonstrate the consortium’s commitment to driving innovation and environmental consciousness in connected vehicle mobility services. The emphasis on AI-driven experiences and connected infrastructure sets the stage for a greener and more efficient future in automotive travel.


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