AmberSemi’s AC Direct DC Enabler Unveiling at APEC 2024

Amber Semiconductor, Inc. (AmberSemi™), a frontrunner in semiconductor technology, is poised to showcase its revolutionary AC Direct DC Enabler at APEC 2024, making significant strides in power electronics innovation. This silicon-based technology promises to redefine AC to DC power conversion, aligning with the latest advancements in the industry. The live demonstrations at APEC 2024 will provide a comprehensive insight into the capabilities of the AC Direct DC Enabler, emphasizing its role in shaping the future of power management.

Debut of AC Direct DC Enabler

AmberSemi will unveil its AC Direct DC Enabler at APEC 2024, presenting a breakthrough in silicon chip architecture for the digital management of electricity.

The AC Direct DC Enabler is strategically designed to streamline and enhance AC to DC power conversion processes, showcasing the company’s commitment to cutting-edge technology.

Live Demonstrations

APEC attendees can experience the technology firsthand at AmberSemi’s Booth #639, Long Beach Convention Center, from February 26-28, 2024.

Live demonstrations will showcase the AC Direct DC Enabler’s versatility, with varying power levels for resistive and inductive loads, providing practical insights into its applications.

Showcasing Second Technology

In addition to the AC Direct DC Enabler, AmberSemi will showcase its AC Direct Switch controller platform through prototypes of solid-state smart outlets, dimmer switches, and circuit breakers.

These demonstrations aim to validate the technology’s success in tests conducted at key electrical product and semiconductor company sites worldwide.

Path to Commercialization

Thar Casey, CEO of AmberSemi, anticipates introducing the technology to the market by Q4 2024 through collaborative reference designs and integrations with industry-leading partners.

End products powered by AmberSemi are projected to enter the market in 2025, offering highly integrated and intelligent applications across diverse industries.

Educational Seminar

Thar Casey will lead an educational seminar titled “Bringing AC to DC Power Conversion to the 21st Century” during the conference, providing valuable insights into siliconizing power and overcoming challenges in AC to DC power conversion.

AmberSemi’s AC Direct DC Enabler signifies a paradigm shift in power management technology, contributing to the evolution of the industry and aligning with the latest trends and demands.


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