All Schools Set for Solar Revolution to Cut Energy Costs and Carbon Footprint

Education Minister Norma Foley unveils a nationwide initiative to equip 4,000 schools with solar panels, reducing energy expenses and environmental impact.

Solar for Schools Scheme: A Green Educational Revolution

In a groundbreaking move, the Solar for Schools Scheme is set to transform 4,000 schools across the country, promoting sustainability, and achieving Climate Action Plan targets.

First Phase Commencement and Application Details

Education Minister Foley announced that the first phase of the Solar for Schools Scheme would commence on November 30. Schools nationwide are encouraged to apply by the end of 2024.

Financial Benefits for Participating Schools

Participating schools can expect financial gains by selling excess electricity to the grid. A 6kW Solar PV installation could save schools €1,200-€1,600 annually.

Empowering Schools with Monitoring Software

Each school involved in the scheme will receive monitoring software, enabling staff and students to review and discuss daily energy generation. The initiative promotes educational engagement with sustainable practices.

Phased Rollout Ensures Efficiency and Improvement

The program’s phased rollout begins with applications from 11 designated areas, ensuring a steady flow of work for solar PV contractors. The gathered data will inform improvements for subsequent phases.

Geographical Spread and Inclusivity

The first phase includes counties such as Clare, Donegal, Dublin City Council area, Galway, Kerry, Kilkenny, Leitrim, Limerick, Offaly, Waterford, and Wicklow, providing a balanced geographical spread.

Budget Considerations for Competitive Quotes

The exact budget remains undisclosed for commercial sensitivity, promoting competitive quotes from contractors. The Department of Education ensures vigilant monitoring to ensure value for money.

Initiative Origin and Critique Addressed

Initially proposed in Budget 2023, the Solar for Schools Scheme faced criticism for its slow rollout. However, with the unveiling of the phased approach, the initiative gears up for impactful change.

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