Advancing Green Energy Initiatives: Provincial-Level Regions Spearhead Eco-Friendly Power Projects

Provinces in China are accelerating environmentally friendly power initiatives, transitioning from traditional energy sources to harnessing natural resources for sustainable energy solutions.

Xizang Autonomous Region’s Green Power Triumphs

Last year, Xizang completed numerous green power projects, including photovoltaic and wind power installations. Notably, the Tsomey Drigu wind farm connected 15 wind turbine generators, boasting the largest single-unit capacity of 3.6 MW in China’s high-altitude areas.

During peak power consumption, the region will utilize 1.39 million kW of photovoltaic power, 100,000 kW of wind power, and 1.12 million kilowatt-hours of energy storage projects.

Strategic Transformations for Clean Energy in Xizang

Mei Fangquan, director of the regional energy administration, emphasized Xizang’s commitment to large-scale power system transformations and increased use of new energy sources.

The clean energy industry’s rapid growth has attracted enterprises, like Song Huihua’s energy technology company, taking advantage of Xizang’s abundant solar energy for heating solutions.

Xinjiang: A Hub for New Energy Supply

In Xinjiang, substantial new energy supply has enticed energy-consuming industries to relocate from eastern regions. The region added over 20.1 million kW of new energy installed capacity in 2023, ranking first in the country.

Xinjiang’s total installed power capacity from new energy sources exceeds 62 million kW, with wind and photovoltaic power contributing significantly.

Sichuan’s Role in China’s Clean Energy Transition

Sichuan, rich in hydropower resources, ensures clean energy transmission to regions like Jiangsu and Zhejiang. The Baihetan hydropower station, fully operational since December 2022, generated 100 billion kWh of electricity by October 2023.

Sichuan’s power grid development plan includes accelerating the construction of an integrated renewable energy development base on the Yangtze River and promoting biomass and geothermal energy.

China’s Renewables Surpass Thermal Power

Recent reports from the National Energy Administration reveal that China’s renewable energy capacity has surpassed thermal power, constituting over half of the country’s installed power generation capacity. As of late 2023, renewable energy capacity totaled 1.45 billion kW.

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